Publication Source: Indian Country Today
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Author: Vincent Schilling
Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird has had his initial meeting with newly anointed Secretary of State John Kerry and delivered his country’s official message: Canada wants the Keystone XL pipeline to be built. Canadian Green Party Leader and Member of Parliament (MP) Elizabeth May, however, brought a different perspective with her on a trip to D.C. that coincided with Baird’s. Heartened by President Barack Obama’s firm language on climate change and on creating renewable energy sources, May met with U.S. political leaders and delivered a different message: Many Canadians do not want the $7 billion, 1,700-mile pipeline to go through, inasmuch as it means more development in the Alberta oil sands.
In an interview with ICTMN, May, whose district is the Sannich Gulf–Islands of British Columbia, briefed ICTMN on her February 6 and 7 meetings with congressional and senate leaders and outlined the reasoning of Canadians who oppose Keystone XL.
Q: What did you accomplish in Washington?
A: I had a series of meetings with congressional leaders on climate, leaders in the House and the Senate, including Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and the Senator from New Mexico. I asked them what they thought of President Barack Obama’s inauguration address, how much they are expecting from him in the future, and how they see the Keystone XL pipeline within the mix of issues.