COP21 Day 12

Yesterday, December 11th, was a day of suspended animation. So forgive me for not writing my daily blog yesterday. To make up for it, you’ll likely get two today.

At 5:30 AM Friday the all-night “Indaba for solutions” adjourned with news from Laurent Fabius, COP21 President, that a new text would be released on Saturday.

So now we wait. Rumours are swirling: did the US and China work out a side-deal? Will the new text be even weaker? Is there wide-spread consensus or are the hard-liners (Saudi Arabia, Venezuela) hardening their positions? Take your pick. At this point they are all rumours. I do know that the facilitators continued to help through till late last night – at a distance through email messages. I ran into our minister Catherine McKenna late last night and she told me she was still networking with my friend Asa Romson, Green leader of Sweden and Deputy Prime Minister, on pushing for more ambition pre-2020.

I sure hope so.

The text was initially announced for 9 am. Now for 11:30. And so we wait.