Elizabeth May
Mr. Speaker, as the first member of Parliament to raise the issue of the Aecon sale in this place, I am enormously gratified that the Government of Canada has decided to stop the takeover of Aecon by the People’s Republic of China, but I am very worried because there is the Canada-China investment treaty. The People’s Republic of China can complain about anything, anytime, in secret.
Could the government commit to full transparency if the People’s Republic of China complains of the Canadian decision?
David Lametti – Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development
Mr. Speaker, we relied on our security agencies and the multi-step review process and we came to a decision, which we think is the right one.
We will use all legitimate and legal means to contest any contestation of that decision to defend Canada’s right under our act. That is a commitment I will make to the hon. member right now.