With one of the highest approval ratings and significant resources, Elizabeth May and the Green caucus could hold the balance of power in Parliament.
OTTAWA – A recent EKOS poll for iPolitics found that Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada and Member of Parliament for Saanich–Gulf Islands, has a current job-approval rating of 51%. Ms. May has one of the highest approval ratings among federal party leaders.
“These encouraging numbers suggest Canadians seek a new kind of politics,” said Ms. May. “The three established parties, in accepting increasing levels of hyper-partisanship, have created a vast pool of disenchanted voters who are excited to find they have an option for real change in the Green Party.”
In the EKOS poll commissioned by iPolitics, voter support for the Green Party was at 9 percent nationally, and at nearly 17 percent in British Columbia.
Frank Graves, founder and president of EKOS Research Associates Inc., explained that Elizabeth May’s high approval ratings indicate two things: she has name recognition and people like her. Graves noted that Green supporters “are identified by a commitment to climate change and a post-carbon economy, and they also care about democracy.”
Graves’ polling appears in an iPolitics opinion article written by L. Ian MacDonald, Editor of Policy Magazine. The article suggests that in a minority Parliament, the Green Party could hold the balance of power after the next election.
May explained that if that were the case, Green MPs would work collaboratively with the other parties in a minority government for all Canadians.
“I believe that a minority government in the next Parliament would be the best thing for Canadians,” concluded Elizabeth May. “A government that co-operates can only benefit Canadians and the national interest.”