The Green Party of Canada makes public Elizabeth May’s federal budget recommendations sent to Finance Minister Jim Flaherty as part of his Department’s pre-budgetary consultations. Mr. Flaherty solicits input from all MPs in the run up to the preparation of the federal budget.
In her letter, the Green Leader and Member of Parliament for Saanich-Gulf Islands emphasizes the need to diversify Canada’s energy portfolio while placing a price on carbon: “The key point is that, within the constraints of your own policies, action is needed now on climate and some portion of your budget should speak to the necessity of carbon pricing. As well, the existing commitment to end subsidies to fossil fuels should be accelerated.”
Ms. May offered her suggestions to increase revenue and curb spending. Suggestions include:
- Fulfill commitments made at the G-20 and eliminate subsidies to fossil fuels. (+$1.2 billion)
- Cut the Prime Minister’s Office budget by 50% to levels of the Chrétien government. (+$5 million)
- Reduce government spending on advertising to 2005 levels. (+$90 million)
- Implement Estate taxes on estates exceeding $5 million. (+$1.5 billion/year)
Investment propositions include:
- Fund and expand the Eco-energy Retrofit programme. Expand it to include hospitals, schools and universities. ($1 billion)
- Invest in renewable energy and mass transit. ($1 billion)
- Invest in First Nations Education, housing, water and health care. ($1 billion)
- Establish a National Affordable Housing Program. ($834 million)
- Replenishment of the Sustainable Technology Development Fund, critical for Clean Tech.
A detailed summary of variations in revenue and spending, as well as deficit reductions, is included in the letter to Mr. Flaherty.