OTTAWA – Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada and MP (Saanich – Gulf Islands), issued the following statement regarding the Harper Conservatives’ 100th use of time allocation today:
“Today marks an inauspicious milestone in the Harper government’s contemptuous treatment of Canadian Parliamentary democracy. The Conservative’s House Leader, Peter Van Loan, introduced time allocation on Bill C-59, the budget implementation act, shutting down debate for the 100th time this Parliament. While this continued practice is no longer surprising, it remains an appalling affront to the principles of our democracy.”
“Parliament debates and votes on legislation. It is how we represent our constituents. Yet, the Harper administration sees Parliament as an obstacle to good governance. Canadians deserve better and I’m confident they will get a better government after this fall’s election.”
“I will continue to fight against this anti-democratic practice at every opportunity,” continued May. “My question of privilege this past fall highlighted the most egregious instances of the Harper administration’s use of this practice and its disproportionate impact on Members of small parties and independents. While I accepted the Speaker’s ruling, I maintain that the serial use of time allocation is undemocratic and must be stopped.”