Elizabeth May supports end to Canada’s bombing campaign in Iraq and Syria

(OTTAWA) February 8, 2016 – Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada (Saanich – Gulf Islands), released the following statement in response to Canada’s revised policy to address the ongoing crises in Iraq and Syria:

“The Green Party of Canada supports the end of Canada’s bombing mission against Daesh (ISIS) in Iraq and Syria. I commend Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for committing to increase humanitarian and military aid for the nearly 4.6-million Syrian refugees who have been displaced by five years of brutal war in the region.

“However, I urge the Liberal government to engage our allies to track and stem the flow of money to Daesh, obtained through black market sales of oil and stolen antiquities. We must cut off Daesh’s funding if we hope to defeat them.

“I also urge the government to take further measures to address the radicalization of ‎Canadians at home and abroad.

“As Prime Minister Trudeau said, air strikes are ineffective at achieving long-term stability in any region. In June 2011, I was the only Member of Parliament to vote against the continued bombardment of Libya. That misguided campaign further destabilized the region when the collapse of the Gaddafi regime led directly to the flow of arms to Daesh.”