Week in Review: October 30 – November 3
November 3, 2017
Welcome to Elizabeth May's parliamentary week in review! This weekly e-newsletter recaps her work in Parliament when the House is in session. Using the links below, you can watch videos of Elizabeth's interventions in the House, keep up with her media releases, and read articles she has written.
This week Elizabeth spoke on the need for a legislatively mandated VIA Rail service, air traffic control in small airports, and a fair deal for Parliament Hill security screeners, who have been without a contract for over three years. She also offered an amendment on the cannabis legislation. Outside of the House, she held a press conference on Thursday to discuss her assessment of the Trudeau administration two years into their mandate.
This newsletter covers Elizabeth's work in the House from October 30, 2017 to November 3, 2017.
* If you are having trouble viewing this email, please view online at: https://elizabethmaymp.ca/category/news/week-in-review/
Key Moments in the House
Bill C-49: Transportation Modernization Act
Bill C-45: Cannabis Act
Current Issues: Report card on the Trudeau Administration
Elizabeth May issued her second report card on the Liberals, two years into the Trudeau administration, and held a press conference to discuss the results.
She assessed fifteen portfolios, from Agriculture to Public Safety. The highest mark was for Immigration, at B+. Minister Hussen's announcement that the government is prepared to accept nearly one million immigrants over the next three years is certainly encouraging.
The administration failed in Democracy, after rescinding their promise to make sure that 2015 was the last time Canadians voted in a First-Past-the-Post electoral system. Minister Marc Garneau of Transport Canada received the same mark, after shying away from his mandate to restore the Navigable Waters Protection Act. The lack of regulations and setbacks around LNG tankers are also troubling.
Concerning justice for Indigenous peoples, Elizabeth marked the Liberals as 'Incomplete', preferring to wait and see the long-term impact of splitting the Ministry for Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs into two departments. She outlined some of the basic needs she hopes will be met properly, such as housing and potable water, and reiterated her support for repealing the Indian Act.
If the marks are harsh, it is only because this administration started out with real potential. Much of that potential, measured against the Liberal platform and Speech from the Throne, has been squandered.
Without question, it is time for a mid-course correction. You can read Elizabeth's full report here.
In the Media
Tune in!
Elizabeth is discussing the Government's performance on the environment with Joyce Napier on Power Play. Live broadcast at 5 PM followed by a rebroadcast at 8 PM. Catch the interview on your local CTV News channel or by visiting the website.
- "Elizabeth May says we have the power to go green"
(Defender Radio interview, The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals) - "Survey on Heckling in Politics" [Segment at 1:05:00]
(Power and Politics with Catherine Cullen, Oct. 27, 2017) - "Elizabeth May offers her assessment of the Trudeau government" [Segment at 41:10:00]
(Primetime Politics interview, CPAC, Nov. 1, 2017) - "May issues grades on Trudeau government, plans to stay on as leader in 2019"
(Rachel Aiello, CTV News, Nov. 2, 2017)
Public Statements
Elizabeth introduced the following petitions to the government this week:
- Upgrade the National Building Code in the name of energy efficiency and aim to reduce overall energy demand by 15% over the current code.
- Institute a permanent ban on crude oil tankers along the whole west coast of Canada.
- Work with provinces and territories to upgrade the National Building Code to ensure a 15% improvement in energy efficiency.
- Implement meaningful actions to meet the Paris accord target, focusing on decarbonization of the electricity sector.
- Ensure the House of Commons achieves the goals of the Leap Manifesto.
- Based on the precautionary principle, enact the 75 recommendations of the Commision of Inquiry into wild salmon.
- Protect the endangered south resident killer whale population.
- Address homelessness and the housing crisis with a national housing strategy.
- Take action on the global issue of the right for small family farmers to save their own seeds, particularly as it relates to the rights of women in agriculture.
View and sign e-petitions currently sponsored by Elizabeth here.
Read the governments' responses to petitions Elizabeth has introduced here.
Learn about the e-petition process or create one of your own here.
Community Newsletter
September 2017 Newsletter – Repair our Environmental, Privacy and Security Laws
Committee Briefs & Responses
Submission to the Canada-PacificTrade Consultations
Brief Submitted to the NAFTA Renegotiation Consultation
Brief Submitted to the Minister of Food and Agriculture Canada for "A Food Policy for Canada"
Response Submitted to the Consultations on Tax Planning Using Private Corporations
Response Submitted to the "Environment and Regulatory Reviews: Discussion Paper"
Brief Submitted to the Expert Panel Reviewing Environmental Assessment Law
Brief Submitted to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development on the Canadian Environmental Protection Act
Private Members' Bills
Elizabeth May has introduced the following bills:
Bill C-269: This bill will abolish mandatory minimum sentences for all crimes except murder and treason.
Bill C-258: This "Think Small First" bill would require that every new bill introduced in the House undergo an assessment to determine how the bill would impact Canadian small businesses.
Bill C-259: The Open Science Act would require all federal departments to make all publicly funded scientific research available to Canadians on their websites.
For a list of private members' bills Elizabeth May has seconded, please visit elizabethmaymp.ca.
Recent Events
Wednesday, October 25 to Sunday, October 29
- Elizabeth at the Canada C3 Expedition on Saturna Island, Salt Spring Island, Saanich, and Victoria

Upcoming Events
Sunday, November 5
Saturday, November 11
Saturday, November 11 to Sunday, November 19
Tuesday, November 28
Wednesday, November 29
As always, the support of the Green Party of Canada has been invaluable in enabling Elizabeth to hold the government to account on such a large number of issues. For more information on their work, or to get involved, please visit: https://www.greenparty.ca/