Green leaders from around the world previewed Paris COP21 in a webinar (on-line seminar) on 9 November 2015, facilitated by Global Greens Coordinator Keli Yen. Around 80 participants from 26 countries joined the event and were able to listen to excellent presentations, comment and ask questions of the speakers.
Click here to listen to a recording of the presentations
- Christine Milne (Global Greens Ambassador and former Leader of the Australian Greens)
- Frank Habineza (President, African Greens Federation)
- Elizabeth May (Leader, Green Party of Canada)
- Alejandro San Martín Bravo (Former President, Partido Ecologista Verde de Chile)
- Yujin Lee (Co-Respresentative, Green Party Korea)
- Kennedy Graham ( Global Affairs Spokesperson, Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand)
- Reinhard Bütikofer (Co-Chair, European Green Party)
- Meyrem Almaci (President, Flemish Greens)
Also read:
- Christine Milne‘s overview of the issues at COP21
- Frank Habineza‘s compilation of issues for the African Greens at COP21