Green Party Leader Elizabeth May, MP Saanich-Gulf Islands, will attend the Defend Our Coast sit-in in Victoria next week. People from across Canada will unite to defend our coast from tar sands tankers and pipelines.
May, who has an excellent attendance record in the House of Commons, feels that this sit-in is too important to miss. “I greatly value the work I am able to do in the House of Commons on behalf of my constituents and other Canadians, but there are times when more direct, non-parliamentary action is needed – and this is certainly one of them,” said May.
As a BC MP, she wants to show her support for the majority of British Columbians – whether in small communities, First Nations, or urban centres – who oppose the threats posed by treacherous pipelines through their pristine forests and across their streams and by risky bitumen-filled supertankers along their wild coastline.
WHERE: In front of the British Columbia Legislature, Victoria, BC
WHEN: 11 am Pacific Time, on Monday, October 22
May will be attending from 11 am to 1 pm.