Point of Order

Ms. Elizabeth May: Madam Speaker, I rise on a point of order. I have been looking for an appropriate moment so as not to interrupt the proceedings too much.

Earlier in the House a vote was passed on division on the appointment of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner. I attempted to get the Speaker’s attention at that point to say no to that appointment. The House leaders had consulted, but nobody checked how my vote would have gone. I realize at this point it may be difficult to have a vote recorded, but I wish to be recorded as opposing this appointment. Unfortunately, although my voice went out as a no, the Speaker spoke to what the House leaders had decided, on division. I do not know if it is possible to have my vote recorded at this stage.

I did want to make a statement to the House on behalf of the many people who have written my office in the matter of this appointment. I want to be recorded as voting no if the other…

The Deputy Speaker: I thank the hon. member for her comments. Obviously, now her views are on the record. It was a vote on division which reflected the fact that there was disagreement. There were not enough people who stood up for a recorded vote. We would have required five members to rise for a recorded vote. In this case it is simply reflected as on division, meaning that not all members were in agreement.