Elizabeth May: Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay tribute to my friend Farley McGill Mowat.
Born May 12, 1921, he was, as we all know, one of Canada’s most outstanding talents, an author whose more than 40 works were translated into 52 languages and sold more than 17 million copies. Repeating the accomplishments of his literary career, we risk losing out on the other things he contributed to this country: his war record in the Second World War serving with the Hasty Ps in the dreadful Sicily campaign, going behind enemy lines to organize food distribution for starving Dutch civilians.
He was, more than anything else, a voice for the wild. He was a voice for the environment and, more than that, he was a voice against the recklessness, greed, and indifference of humanity as we destroy our only planet: home. Let his epitaph be the cry of the loon, the wolves’ howl, and the human voices raised in the public square that we stop the squandering of our natural world”.
God bless you, Farley.