Submission: Environmental Assessment of Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade Agreement Negotiations Post date January 29, 2013 Post categories In Backgrounder, Publications Tags Australia, Ethyl Corporation, Foreign Trade, Fracking, Gus Van Harten, International Trade, Jean Chrétien, MAI, MMT, NAFTA, OECD, PCB, TPP, Trans-Pacific Partnership
The Canada-China Investment Treaty Cannot be Ratified Without Provinces’ Approval Post date October 23, 2012 Post categories In Press Releases, Publications Tags Federal-Provincial Cooperation, FIPA, FIPPA, Foreign Investment, Foreign Trade, International Affairs, MAI, Provincial Jurisdiction
Canada-Panama Economic Growth and Prosperity Act (Bill C-24) Post date March 29, 2012 Post categories In Speeches Tags Banking, CITES, Climate Change, Costa Rica, Endangered Species, Environment, Foreign Investment, Free Trade, Human Rights, Illegal Drugs, International Affairs, Kyoto Protocol, MAI, Mexico, NAFTA, Newfoundland and Labrador, OECD, Panama, Pollution, Taxation, Trade, United Nations, World Trade Organization