When will community mental health services get funding?

Elizabeth May (Saanich—Gulf Islands)
2020-05-27 13:49

Thank you, Mr. Chair.

My question is with regard to the urgent problem of mental health crises across Canada. My colleague, Jenica Atwin from Fredericton, held a press conference this morning in which she used the term “echo pandemic”. We will face an echo pandemic. We’re already seeing increases in suicides on southern Vancouver Island.

My question to the minister is this: Will we see direct funding to community mental health services as urgently requested by the Canadian Mental Health Association?

Hon. Patty Hajdu (Thunder Bay—Superior North)
2020-05-27 13:50

Mr. Chair, I read the honourable member’s colleague’s letter just today, and I want to reassure all members that we have invested in mental health supports for Canadians, obviously before the pandemic hit but certainly since we’ve been living with the pandemic.

I’d like to remind all members to direct their constituents to the wellnesstogether.ca website and portal. There Canadians can find online resources, as well as connections to real and alive counsellors and other professionals who can help them with their various concerns.