As climate negotiations heat up in Madrid, Green caucus lays out key climate tests for Liberals

December 04, 2019

OTTAWA — The three federal Green MPs have set out the key challenges looming for the Liberal minority government. They fall into two distinct, but related, categories: What positions will Canada take at COP25? And what actions will we take domestically?

Parliamentary Green Leader, Elizabeth May (MP, Saanich-Gulf Islands) will be attending the High Level segment of COP25 opening on Monday December 9.

“Ideally, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau should attend COP25, bringing with him new, tougher targets for Canada consistent with the science,” said Ms. May. “Now that Liberals have committed to net zero carbon by 2050, their current 2030 target is untenable. They must ramp up to at least 60% below 2005 levels by 2030.”

“The tough technical negotiations to resolve global carbon markets within Article 6 of Paris must be resolved toward transparency and true reductions. There is a large risk in Article 6 of smoke and mirrors. For example, Canada cannot get credit for fracked gas exports even if it reduces coal burning in China. That is just a shell game of moving GHG emissions from China to Canada with no real global reductions.”

At home, it is time to demonstrate that Canada understands the first rule of holes: if you are in one, stop digging.

Paul Manly (MP, Nanaimo-Ladysmith) noted that it’s critical that the federal Cabinet reject the Frontier Teck oil sands mine. “This enormous mine is only 25 kilometres south of Wood Buffalo National Park. It would cover an area of 24,000 hectares and the Joint Review Panel found that it would permanently destroy thousands of hectares of old growth and wetlands, while violating First Nations rights. Just say no to this climate killing oil sands mine.”

Meanwhile, a key part of the Liberal climate plan, the Clean Fuel Standard, must be revamped. “Before the government publishes in the Canada Gazette, the standard must be toughened and made more inclusive to encourage non-fossil fuel sources. The emerging bio-economy needs to be taken into account,” said Ms. May.

“What we need at home is government leadership that recognises and empowers the countless Canadians on the ground, ready and waiting to shift our communities and our economy toward clean energy and technology,” said Jenica Atwin (MP Fredericton). “Part of this transition will be the ‘Just Transition Act’ which Prime Minister Trudeau committed to during election. Canadians are ready to embrace this shift. What they need to see is leadership.”

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For more information, or to arrange an interview contact:

Rosie Emery
Press Secretary