January 25, 2018
(OTTAWA) – Elizabeth May is aghast at the Liberal government’s decision to commit Canada to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement without telling Canadians the contents of the deal.
She said: “For years, we have clearly stated our legitimate concerns regarding this trade deal, ranging from the threats to Canadian jobs to its anti-democratic Investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanisms. Foreign corporations should not have superior rights to Canadian companies to challenge our laws when they claim Canada has reduced their expectation of profits.
“I am very eager to read the final contents of the agreement, and look forward to an open debate on the issue when Parliament resumes. Canadians are owed an explanation and an apology for being kept in the dark about such an important trade deal. In addition, everyone in this country deserves an opportunity to weigh in after we have been informed about the contents of the agreement,” concluded Ms. May.
“It is outrageous that our government — which promised Canadians transparency and accountability — signed onto a secretive trade deal that Canadians have expressed strong opposition towards,” said Paul Manly, International Trade Critic for the Green Party of Canada. “Canadians deserve far better than this. The International Trade Committee consultations revealed that 95% of Canadians who participated oppose the agreement.”