Week in Review
May 12, 2017
Welcome to Elizabeth May's parliamentary week in review! This weekly e-newsletter recaps her work in Parliament when the House is in session. At the links below, you can watch videos of Elizabeth's interventions in the House, keep up with her media releases, and read articles she has written. This newsletter covers Elizabeth's work from May 5, 2017 to May 12, 2017.
Key Moments in the House
Question Period
– Will Canada’s lakes and rivers remain unprotected under weak Transport Committee recommendations?
– Questioning the Liberals’ use of Time Allocation and Omnibus Budget Bills
– Recognition of National Nursing Week
In the Media
Policy Magazine: A Green Balance of Power in BC, by Elizabeth May
Radio: Tune in to hear Elizabeth on CBC's The House with Chris Hall, Saturday, May 13th at 9AM, CBC Radio One
TV: Tune in to watch Elizabeth on CTV's Question Period, Sunday, May 14th at 11AM ET, 8AM PT
Podcast: Listen to Elizabeth on CBC's The House midweek – BC's Minority Report
Public Statements
Statement on Lyme Disease Awareness Day
Elizabeth May released the following statement ahead of Lyme Disease Awareness Day, part of Lyme Disease Awareness Month:
"Thanks to the tireless advocacy of researchers, doctors, and patients, awareness of Lyme Disease has spread in recent years. However, thousands of Canadians continue to suffer from this debilitating disease, while other advanced countries move ahead with progressive and publicly funded treatments."
"From May 15 to 17, 2016, Canada held a conference to develop a federal framework on Lyme Disease. This conference was mandated by Bill C-442, the Federal Framework on Lyme Disease Act, a result of my private member's bill."
"Last month, Lyme Disease researchers, doctors and patients called on Minister of Health Jane Philpott to update the Draft Federal Framework on Lyme Disease with the latest medical and patient best practices before it reports back to parliament. Advocates say the current draft framework is incomplete and does not include the latest Lyme Disease medical research.
"I remain very grateful for all-party support for Bill C-442. This issue remains non-partisan. I have confidence in Dr. Jane Philpott to hear the concerns of those who remain concerned in the Lyme-literate medical and patient community, and to re-write the draft framework before the publication of the approved framework."
Elizabeth introduced the following petitions to the government this week:
- Implement international aid policies to support small family farmers and ensure that Canadian policies and programs help protect the right of those in the developing world to preserve, use, and freely exchange seeds.
- Put in place a national affordable housing program, along the lines of the resolution passed by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, looking to reform the tax system to increase benefits to developers in building purpose-built rental housing
- Bring back part-time non-Christian denominational chaplains for federal prisons to assist people in prison to find their way forward and return to healthy and productive lives.
- Press the People's Republic of China to stop discrimination against the practitioners of Falun Dafa and Falun Gong.
Read the governments' responses to petitions Elizabeth has introduced here.
Community Newsletter
April 2017 Newsletter – Earthquake Preparedness
Committee Briefs
Brief Submitted to the Expert Panel Reviewing Environmental Assessment Law
Private Members' Bills
Elizabeth May has introduced the following bills:
Bill C-269: This bill will abolish mandatory minimum sentences for all crimes of except murder and treason.
Bill C-258: This "Think Small First" bill would require that every new bill introduced in the House undergo an assessment to determine how the bill would impact Canadian small businesses.
Bill C-259: The Open Science Act would require all federal departments to make all publicly funded scientific research available to Canadians on their websites.
For a list of private members' bills Elizabeth May has seconded, please visit elizabethmaymp.ca
Recent Events
Monday, May 8th – Elizabeth attended the Yad Vashem National Holocaust Day Remembrance Ceremony in Ottawa
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, May 17th – Elizabeth May & Nathan Cullen host bipartisan event for electoral reform
Friday, May 19th – Elizabeth delivers the 2017 Robert Hunter Memorial Lecture at U of T
Saturday, May 20th – Join Elizabeth for Mayne Island Conservancy's 12th Annual May Day Celebrations
Saturday, May 27th – Join Elizabeth at the opening of (in)finite, a 60th Anniversary Exhibition by the Anglican Foundation
Walk for the Salish Sea – May 25th-29th:
- Thursday, May 25th – Join Elizabeth as she speaks at Pulling Together – All Nations's Gathering Against Kinder Morgan, a potluck dinner fundraiser
- Friday, May 26th – Join Elizabeth as she speaks at an Oil-Free Salish Sea Rally aboard BC Ferries
- Sunday, May 28th – Join Elizabeth as she speaks at the Fossil Fuel Freedom Fest