Emergency Debate – The Situation in Syria

Elizabeth May: Mr. Speaker, I want to go back to the debates that we had when Canada was involved in the Libyan conflict. It seems that, had we been able to avoid continuing bombardment and move to a peace process, we might have been able to secure those warehouses full of weapons. It seems very likely that the weapons that were taken from Khadafi’s old storehouses found their way to increase terrorist activities in Mali and also fuel some of the al Qaeda forces that are now within Syria.

I wonder if she has had any information on that or any further factual support for the risks that we undertook in Libya that actually fueled terrorism elsewhere?

Lois Brown: Mr. Speaker, we are concerned about what is going on in Syria and the disparate groups of people who seem to be active there. We are concerned about weapons coming in from places like Iran. We are concerned about the positions of both China and Russia. As we said earlier, it is very difficult to get the information from inside Syria because it is often difficult to get into parts of the country that are held by government or by the opposition parties and to get the truth. All members of the international community are finding it very difficult to get that information.