Green Party leader calls for national strategy on Lyme disease

Publication Source: Kenora Daily Miner and News
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Author: Reg Clayton

Green Party leader Elizabeth May introduced a Private Members Bill to create a National Lyme Disease Strategy, June 21 .

May presented the bill in response to the growing threat of the disease in Canada. She is calling for a national conference of public health officials, researchers, and patient advocates as the first step to developing a comprehensive strategy for the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

“Scientific studies have been warning us that with climate change the number of vector-borne – birds, insects – diseases is on the rise,” May stated in a news release. “Lyme disease, spread by certain types of ticks, is one of them. I have many friends and constituents who are living with this terrible disease. We need to make absolutely sure that all Canadian doctors are equipped with the tools and knowledge to effectively diagnose and treat patients suffering from Lyme. ”

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