Green Party leader in Cowichan for Earth Week

Publication Source: HQ Cowichan Valley
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Author: Natasha Riebe

If you’re in Shawnigan Lake Tuesday, you may catch sight of over 100 students running between the Dwight International School and the community centre.

Grade 6 to 8 teacher, Sonia Furstenau is organizing events for Earth Week and has invited a few special guests, including a couple with a group called ‘Run for One Planet” who’ve run over 17,700 km around North America or over 420 marathons, raising money for green initiatives.

“Their premise is you take a step to make a difference for the environment and they’ll be leading us in a run, the whole school—up to Shawnigan Village… and then we’ll all run back, and we’ll all be excited to run back because Elizabeth May is coming for lunch.”

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