Elizabeth May: Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague from La Pointe-de-l’Île.
As always I am very impressed by her passion for the topics we discuss in the House of Commons.
I think she presented some good arguments today in support of dividing this bill in two parts so that we can better examine it.
Does she think there is a chance the government will agree to this proposal?
Ève Péclet: Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague for her question. I also admire her intelligence and her luminous spirit, which brightens up the House of Commons.
I would like to say that I believe in the Conservatives’ goodwill, that I believe the Minister of Health and Minister for the Arctic Council when she says that they will look after Canada’s north.
I would like to believe that, but unfortunately, we have been quite disappointed over the past two years. That is why it is important for all MPs to rise today to tell the government that enough is enough and we must work together for Canada’s north.
This bill must be split in two. So we must continue to call on the government here in the House to listen to what our democratic institutions want and also what Canadians want.