Part 5: The planet needs Canada (and vice versa)

The Green Party is the only truly global party, with Greens in 70 countries and elected members of parliament in Europe, Latin America, Australia, and New Zealand. Together we work to press the nuclear super-powers to meet their obligations for disarmament, to reduce and eliminate the nuclear threat. We work to shift military budgets to peacekeeping and peace-building. We work to ensure the education, health protection, and economic autonomy of women and girls around the world to address poverty and over-population.

The United Nations General Assembly vote to deny Canada its traditional rotation on the Security Council should be a wake-up call that we are losing our reputation in the world. The agenda set out in this Vision Green would restore Canada to its historic role as respected global citizen.

5.1 Canada’s role as global leader
5.2 Making poverty history
5.3 International Financial Transaction Tax
5.4 Press for the elimination of all nuclear weapons
5.5 Reform the United Nations
5.6 Defence Policy
5.7 Africa
5.8 Stopping the genocide in Darfur
5.9 Address the crisis of global population growth
5.10 Rebuild Canada’s traditional diplomatic muscle
5.11 The Israel – Palestine Conflict
5.12 Iran
5.13 Maintaining a healthy relationship with our closest neighbour
5.14 Latin and South American partnerships
5.15 Haiti
5.16 Trade and sovereignty
5.16.1 Investor-State Agreements (FIPAs)
5.17 North American Union (NAU) By Increment