This week the committee met on March 19 and March 21 to discuss the consideration of Bill C-428, an Act to amend the Indian Act and to provide for its replacement. On March 19, 2013, the committee heard from the bill’s sponsor, Member of Parliament Rob Clarke. The second part of the meeting was held in-camera. The Minutes can be found here.
On March 21, 2013 the committee resumed consideration of Bill C-428. The Native Women’s Association of Canada and the Congress of Aboriginal People presented their statements and answered questions from the committee members. The Native Women’s Association argued that the consultation process for the Bill was not sufficient, and noted that the government should consider using the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to frame the bill and the consultation process. The Native Women’s Association was not in favor of the Bill. The Congress of Aboriginal People spoke about the how the Bill will affect Aboriginal People living off reserve and non-status Aboriginal people. The Congress of Aboriginal People was in favor of the Bill. Despite some issues with the Bill, the Congress believes that the process must begin somewhere.
The Minutes can be found here.