This week the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development met on Tuesday March 5, 2013, and Thursday March 7, 2013. The meeting on March 5, 2013 was held in camera. In this meeting, the committee commenced its study of the controversial Bill C-428, An Act to amend the Indian Act (publication of by-laws) and to provide for its replacement.
On March 7, 2013, the committee heard from the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development: Michael Wernick, Deputy Minister Colleen Swords, and Associated Deputy Minister Susan MacGowan. In this meeting the committee commenced consideration of the Main Estimates 2013-2014, Votes 1,5,10, L15, L20, 25, 30, and 35 under Indian Affairs and Northern Development, and Votes 25 and 30 under Health (referred to Committee in Feburary). The committee also considered the Supplementary Estimates 1c 2012-2013, Votes 1c and 10c under Indian Affairs and Northern Development (referred to committee February 25, 2013). Vote 1c and 10c carried, and the Chair will report the Supplementary Estimates (C) 2012-2013, votes 1c and 10c under Indian Affairs and Northern Development to the House.
During the question and answer period the Members of Parliament focused their questions on the issues of: First Nations education and the creation of First Nations Education Act, the safe water and waste water plans, and land management plans. The meeting adjourned early due to votes in the House of Commons. The Minutes of the meeting can be found here.